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Sunday 23 July 2023

Aldi Ambiano Air Fryer 15L Recipes - Toast with eggs and bacon

Toast with eggs and bacon.

Good Evening Everyone,

We have been considering an Air fryer for a few months and have been looking around but it was a hard choice. Do you get one with a single basket, dual basket, or oven style? Prices range from $90 - $500 which doesn't help. We went to Aldi and saw they had one for $199 and it had a inbuilt steamer as well so that was interesting. We have yet to see many reviews or recipes on this unit so we thought we would try some and I would post my results.

I thought I would start with something basic like toast with eggs and bacon.

Step 1. Turn the Air Fryer to 160 Degrees and I set the timer to 30 minutes, get a flat tray and put some baking paper at the bottom

Step 2. Get some bread and use a mug to flatten a circle in the middle of the bread. Make sure it is flattened as much as possible.

Step 3. Crack an egg in circle so the yolk is in the middle and doesn't move around

Step 4. Put some bacon strips around the outside of the egg and put a bit of salt and pepper for flavour on the egg.

Step 5. Make sure the Air Fryer is at 160 degrees and stick the tray in the over and set a timer for 7 minutes.

Step 8. Flip the bacon over for another 4 minutes. 

The toast was crunchy, the bacon was crispy and the egg was a little bit runny. Our daughter loved it so will definitely give it another go

We would say for our first attempt that was a success. Do you have an Air Fryer and what is your go to meal ?

Thanks for reading.

Kind Regards

1 comment :

  1. We had a ninja single basket for a couple of years and it was awesome, just a bit small so we recently upgraded to the Phillips XXL, which has a larger single basket. It's great, we love cooking roast pork belly in it, the crackling is to die for 😍
