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Thursday 5 January 2017

Wise Old Goat Latte Coffee

Wise Old Goat Latte Coffee

Time has now become a valuable necessity, i don't have much spare time anymore so i have been getting my coffee from North East Precinct. They are about 15 minutes from our place and they roast onsite. I love supporting my local roasters as it usually fresher and tastier, It is more expensive but worth it. I saw a new roaster on Instagram a few months ago and wanted to give it a try. I ran out my coffee and had a chat to Andy from Wise Old Goat and i asked if he could deliver it to me. He roasts the next suburb from where i work. I ordered the coffee online and started work on Tuesday, he delivered it on Wednesday. I am so happy with the strength of the coffee and the flavours, it has a beautiful cocoa/ chocolate flavour. No bitterness which is great as well. I highly recommend giving it ago. Have a look at his Instagram account.
I get to try his filter coffee today so i hope that is just as amazing.
Kind E-gards

Monday 2 January 2017

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

I know it is the 2nd of January but already the last few days have been busy, we have caught up with many friends and seen most of our families.  Iris is now rolling from her tummy to her back and her back to her tummy. She is already trying to crawl. Last year was a stressful year with work and family. Hopefully this year will be less stressful at work but I know it will be the most fulfilling year as a family. I hope you all achieve / exceed your goals and lets make this one better than 2016 :).
What goals do you have for this year?

Kind E-gards
Dale Stewart