My Random Ramblings

I don't do any personal blogs about myself, I am a confident person yet i am not, i am open about who i am...yet i am not. We all have reasons for what we do and why. I was 16 when our family moved from South Africa to Canberra, Australia, It was hard form me as a teenager because you leave all your friends behind and head off to start off a new life. Leaving as a child is a lot easier as you don't understand whats going on as much. Living in Canberra was interesting as the lifestyle was so much different and so are the people. I did not have many male friends growing up in Canberra and had a close group of girl friends which was interesting and new. I did have female cousins but that's different. Few things have happened recently that have made me think about my past.
1. I read a blog by a friend Shybiker who makes me think and how i relate to things she blogs about.
2. While on Facebook a high school friend posted something and i had not heard from them in about five years, which got me thinking about my other friends. I could not find someone so i did some googling and found out they had been killed in a serious car crash, In 2003/4 i had a terrible car crash and could have lost my hand.We are not invincible as we think when we are younger.
3. Last night on my Instagram there is a section that checks your email address and any person you have ever emailed comes up. One of my high school friends came up and while looking at their pictures i liked an image then unliked it because i panicked. (crazy how a 31year old panicks about stupid crap) I got my first job as a front counter person at Mc Donalds and that taught me the basics of upselling. That basic skill has shown me what a true salesperson can do if they know a product and the accessories that go with it and also started my passion for sales. Once you start to feel like you could get settled your family packs up and moves again. This time to Melbourne, the photo is from 2006 when Kim qualified as a Radiation Therapist. In Melbourne i worked in 12 different industries and had 2 businesses that never got off the ground, some people can do it and i am too disorganized but i will try again now i am older and possibly wiser.
Anyway the reason i am writing this is too thank all the amazing people i have met and who have helped me to become the person i am today and that my 20's taught me life skills with how to deal with lots of different experiences, some good and some bad. But that is life.
Thank you for reading my random ramblings.
Kind E-gards
Dale Stewart
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